JUNKYARD wins Grand Prix Dutch Animation at the Holland Animation Film Festival

Hisko Hulsing received the first Grand Prix Dutch animation for his film Junkyard.

From the jury report:

This film is a great piece of storytelling, conceived in a wonderful animation. Love, hatred and despair – the emotions in this film are really intense. This film gets to your heart as well as your stomach. It shows great craftsmanship, with a perfect blend of traditional and digital techniques, stunning images and a deep personal involvement with the two main characters.

About Junkyard (NL/BE, 2012)
A man is stabbed on the subway. Before he dies, childhood memories flash by of his best friend.

Jury: Nik Christensen (UK/Netherlands), Ton Gloudemans (Netherlands), Dennis Tupicoff (Australia)

Junkyard also won the VNAP Craftsmanship Award at the Holland Animation Film Festival
